Sunday, November 22, 2009

Marriage and the Family Life in Ancient Egyptian soceity by Brittany Sears

Marriage in the society of Ancient Egypt began at a young age, the average age was 16- 20 years old for males and abit younger for females. Virginity was not a necessity for marriage; premarital sex, or any sex bewteen unmarried people was socially acceptable. Once married, couples were expected to be sexually faithful to eachother. The egyptains were considered to be highly sensual people, and a major theme of their religion was fertility and procreation. This sensuality can be reflected by "two New Kingdom love poem". " your hand is in my hand, my body trembles with joy, my heart is exalted because we walk together". The other poem is one of beauty, " She is more beautiful than any other girl, she's like a star rising, with beautiful eyes for looking and sweet lips for kissing". Marriage in the ancient egyptian society can certainly be considered varied and socially different compared to today's current society. Marriage in the ancient society was not considered religious, also marraiges themselves were not documented. According to documents "once a couple started living together, they were considered to be married" ( With the terms of marraige comes the idea of divorce, although marriage was taken seriously, divorce was not uncommon. The idea of divroce for many early modern cultures was forbidden. the ancient egyptains on the other hand accepted the idea, although it was a sad factor it was acceptable on ceratin terms. Either partner could institute divroce for faults, such as " adultery, inability to conceieve or abuse". Divorce was considered a matter of disappointment but not one of disgrace. Overall the Ancient Egpytian society thought of marriage as an important factor within society and culture.

1 comment:

  1. Marriage In Anciet India By: Ashley Smith

    As far back as we have learn, young women and men were allowed to be in a romantic relationship together without it being looked down upon. But, as the government grew and became stronger this changed the lives of the people from india. When the government grew a caste system was put in place. A caste system is "a rigid social stratification system based on a persons family ties, economic status, and ethnic identity". People were not allowed to move into a different caste system and it was forrbidden that they marry outside of their caste system! Marriage in ancient inda was arranged by your father, he wold choose the right man for his daughter. " Most Indian youths do not believe that they have the experience, knowledge, or wisdom to select a prospective mate".
    Lawrence Davis. "Anciet India"
