Saturday, November 28, 2009

Anubis By: Ashley Smith

Egyptians were polytheistic, the belief in many gods. Each god had their own purpose, and they always took the form of an animal. The gods created "order from chaos". As seen above, Anubis, he was the god of embalming the dead. Anubis was associated with mummification and protection of the dead, for their journey into the afterlife.

1 comment:


    Pharaoh By: Ashley Smith

    Egyptians are very religious and they looked to their gods for answers. They are polytheistic meaning they believe in many gods. Like noted above, the gods created order from chaos, meaning they had the answers to all lifes questions and problems no one eles could. The one man who brought all of egypt peace and harmony was The Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was not only the head of all egyptian state, along with it's economy and treasury but he owned all of the land in egypt. He was the "representation between religion and state". He was known to his people as divine, meaning he was "god on earth".

    Lawrence Davis. "Egypt"
